Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A Bag of Carrots

I mentioned in the celeriac post that I grow my carrots in a buiders bag. This is because my soil is rather heavy clay which the carrots don't seem to like. This handful of early nantes were the last of the summer carrots. Most importantly there is no carrot fly. They don't seem to like the height of the builders bag.
I cleared an area of brambles and weeds last year and composted all the roots in a builders bag. I bag everything - dandelions and bindweed included, and then seal it up for 12 months. I then riddled the compost and put back any roots that still looked to be alive, then planted my carrot seed in the seived compost. It seems to suit them. Now the carrots are gone, I've been using the compost to pot up various cuttings. I don't use any bought compost on my allotment. I've now started to eat the winter carrots, which I'll show another time. 

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